FAX to Email [Asterisk] . T.38
Hi all I always like to get involved new / challenging project. I got one . One of my client likes to have FAX to Email service at a very minimum cost. Project: Install FAX to Email service using 100% freeware and open source Platform. Same as before: I tried Google and found quit lot information. But none of them [I found] gave me total step by step solution. I like to share my experience and solution with everyone. Target : FAX to Email service. Software and Hardware I used: OS: CentOS release 6.2 [64bit] . Server: Dell R510. Asterisk version: Asterisk 10.4.0 Some tools need to make tiff to pdf and send email using smtp : *. yum install poppler-utils.x86_64 *. Download sendEmail-v1.56.tar.gz and setup . very easy just read the README . Setup: 1. Install the Asterisk : you could do that or you don’t need to do FAXing. 2. Go to http://store.digium.com/products.php?category_id=94 buy [FREE or Paid. I ...